Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Miss World

Miss World contestants in their Antareeyams. My friend commented : "I wish the next Miss World contestants will appear with Onnara.. "

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Eco sexy lingerie

“If you don’t know what’s in your knickers, should you be wearing them ? “. This is a question from a film on lingerie (underwears). The context is that , the modern trend in fashionable lingerie is going ‘organic’ and ‘green’. Now that the stress is on ‘organic’ lingerie, we say the ‘Green Lingerie”. Ask yourself : “How green is your underwear?” . It would, most likely, be synthetic, if you are ‘modern’. As you know, modern underwears are made of synthetic materials. They pose a lot of problems. So, if you think you are modern and fashionable, you may be with modern synthetic underwesrs. You are inviting many problems.
Here is the greatness of the Keralite konakam and thaar. Both are fully ‘green’. There’s nothing synthetic about it. And so, is fully natural and organic.
Modern fashion, by default, is synthetic. Efforts to make it ‘eco-friendly’ is a new trend. Here comes ‘eco-friendly’ underwears ! If you are with your konakam or thaar, be proud that you have “eco-friendly’ lingerie, and so YOU are eco-friendly. The fashion world calls it “eco-sexy” !! Are you eco-sexy ? You are, if you have eco-friendly garments (including eco-friendly underwears).

So, all thaar wearers, all konakam wearers, be proud that you are the most modern. Just because you are eco-sexy (you have eco friendly (Green) underwears ).


Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Konakam - the Classic male underwear.
This is the  'iconic' male under-garment. The smallest and the simplest garment in this world ! (excluding, may be, your handkerchief ! )
This simpleton is not that simple. It is a very powerful one, in many aspects. It does what a modern day brief doesn't do.  I shall come with more on this later.  Please also find the "How to wear" post in this blog.
There area a few good pictures, focusing konakams, in a group on this, at Yahoo groups. Search with the above name in Groups.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The sacred knots

This is about the knots. Here are a few snaps showing you the knots. As I told you earlier, the knots are a safety mechanism. And it certainly locks.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Thaar, a life saver

Don't be surprised !
I remember, a book written by a Keralite lady, published ( by DC Books' Book Club ) during early 1980s, (sorry, I don't remember the name ) had the narration of a ship wreckage. She was on a voyage (may be she's the wife of a crew member ! ? ) and the ship broke. It was sinking. All the passengers and crew had only an option, to jump into the sea and swim for life.
She wrote that : she prepared herself to jump and swim. She took a saree, tore it of a mundu size, and she did a tight thaar. The reason, she wrote, is that the thaar could protect both her holes below. The vagina, in particular, may cause some water to go in, while swimming. { the swimming action could pump in water }. This lady had to struggle swimming for long time, and she and some of her co-passengers were later rescued by a rescue ship.

See... how thaar helped her save herself !

Panties, on the other hand, is not tight enough to protect. It's only just an ornament. It won't protect your systems, the way the thaar does.

All women to note ... ( and all gentlemen to teach their women ) on the 'life-saving' aspects too.

The magic KNOTs

The knots, keeps the thaar firm and tight. Without the knot, the thaar would get loosened over a period of time, and on your body movements. Bow down two times, and the thaar (without knots) would get loosened (killing its very purpose of keeping tight).

Thaar is a multipurpose garment ('device' ). One of the purposes is as a 'chastity belt (lock)'. The thaar, if worn right, protects the vagina from exposure and easy approach. It cannot be easily opened up. It requires the willingness of the lady to open up. Or else, it would call for a physical aggression and much efforts to open up. The knot at the two ends of the thaar mundu does the trick. The magic knots !!

{ Please also read what Januamma says on Onnara and Raping }


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Thaar mundu, Thaar thorthu, Onnara mundu

Based on a query from a reader, this is about the mundu-thorthu distinction. The problem is not really the distinction, its about the coloquial terminology. However, I thought I must make an attempt to clarify, the way I understand. So ......

"Thaar mundu" is a full sized, single ply mundu. It may be 'mulmul' type or handwoven (handloom). Mulmul cloth is not preferred, as it is slightly polished, and does not stay tight. It gets loose quickly, on its glazed finish. The absorption properties are poor (as compared to the handloom). However, ladies in central Travancore use it, even now. { This will necessitate the lady to tighten up her thaar frequently}.
Handloom mundu is preferred, as it has the grip (non-glazed) and so retains the tightness. The absorption properties are very good. It is softer and thinner too.

Thaar mundu is full sized. The width extends from waist level to the feet. Therefore, to wear the thaar, the mundu is worn with 'njori' at the waist level (which would extend now upto the ankle, below the knee level) while waist is tucked in. This , however, makes the thaar comfortable at waist level ( with wider band like fit at waist). Rest of the wearing is common. When worn, the triangular tips of the thaar will extend almost down to the ankles. For some, the tips are visible when she walks.

"Thaar thorthu" is a shorter version of the mundu. It's full long, but less wide. It's only of handloom (though some ladies make a low width thorthu of mulmul). When worn, it extends from waist down to the knee level. The cloth being thinner (than the mulmul), it's more comfortable. The greatest advantage is that the thaar, when worn, won't be visible below the knees. However, it's too tight at waist level, as much 'njori' won't be there.
This is the most common among ladies who go out. {At home, it doesn't matter, the tips being seen ! }.

I invite all my readers interested in this to look at my earlier posts, with pictures of the thaar thorthu.

And regarding 'Onnara mundu'. It's the same as thaar mundu {as far as the Travancore style is concerned}.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Belly management

Only a few girls (and ladies) understand the technique ... of trimming down their bellies . Thaar/ Onnara is,  not only as a custom or a traditional garment, an excellent technique of body shaping. Experts (including gynaecologists) have confirmed that the thaar, as a regular underwear, can do wonders on the body of a woman.
The thaaar, worn properly and regularly, shapes the body. It shapes the butts (look at the large bulbous butts of most Nair ladies). It trims the abdomen (leading to flat belly). It supports the vaginal area well, which holds/ supports the muscles. It is an excellent method of preventing 'vaginal prolapses' (which is a serious problem for many women, particularly the middle aged ).

Thaar is not just a piece of cloth ! It's not just an undergarment ! It's a very healthy system ! Never underestimate the thaar ! 'Panties walahs'... please note.
And remember, for the men (many who are aware of this ) the thaar is a stimulant for their sexual pleasures. Even Viagra may not work, but the thaar works. It arouses the erotic feel, experiences and sexual pleasures. That's not a silly matter .

That's why, let's call it 'God's own'.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Settu Saree

Another uthareeyam, a piece of beauty ... The settu saree !.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Hair , a thing of beauty

A scene from China. A thing of beauty ... a joy for ever !

Any "Malayaali manka" to compete ?