Monday, March 14, 2011

Fundoshi - Loincloths

Reproduced here are two comments posted by 'Anonymous'. It's worth  looking at.

Trend Watch: Hot Fundoshi Underpants fundoshi have become the hot shit in Japan recently! No wonder, since this Japanese tied underwear for men is being rediscovered for its comfort. Loincloths is becoming hot among Japan woman.The latest in ''women's liberation'' is a product making a comeback in Japan that makers claim allows women to ditch tight-fit underwear -- loincloths. When you can't get naked, Get loinclothed ! Loincloths are perfect for everyone and have been worn throughout history by people all over the world. As global warming heats up, you'll be cool in your loincloth knowing you're helping the environment by wearing less clothing which reduces your laundry saving electricity, gas, soap and carbon footprint. Ok that's bull, it's just fun to run around almost naked

And another link for you to look at.

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